C# Programming

Embark on a comprehensive journey into C# programming, a versatile language in the .NET ecosystem. This course is designed to equip participants with the skills to develop robust and scalable applications using C#. From fundamental syntax to advanced features, participants will gain practical insights through hands-on projects and real-world applications.

By the end of this course, participants will be well-versed in C# programming, empowering them to create diverse applications in both web and desktop environments.

CTA Button

What you will learn

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Beneficial for

This course is suitable for:

Course Pre-requisite

Participants should have a basic understanding of:

Course Outline

C# Fundamentals 

Namespaces, Input and Output 

Operators and Control Constructs 

Value data types, Arrays, and References 

Method Parameters 

Using params 

Using ref 

Using out 

Class Design 

Fields, Properties, Accessors 

Constructors, Destructors, this keyword 

Method Overloading 

Static Fields and Methods 


Polymorphism with virtual and override 

Using base with Constructors and Methods 

Classes and Structs 

Abstract Classes and Methods 

Sealed Classes 

The Object Class 

Boxing and Unboxing 

Creating and Using Structs 

Exception Handling 

try, catch, throw, finally 

Exception Objects 


Implementing and Extending Interfaces 

The is and as Operators 

Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes 

Qualified Interfaces 

Resource Management 


The delegate keyword 

Assigning Methods to Delegates 

Anonymous Methods, Lambda Expressions 


The event keyword 

Publish-Subscribe Pattern 

Event Properties and Handlers 


Using AsyncCallback and IAsyncResult 

Standard Events 

Using EventHandler and EventArgs 

Windows Forms 

Controls and Components 

Label, Button, TextBox, CheckBox 

ComboBox, RadioButtons, ListBox 

DateTimePicker, ImageList, Panel 

FlowLayoutPanel and TableLayoutPanel 

Window Applications 

Window Events 

MenuBars, MenuItems, Status Bars 

The Thread Class 

Starting Threads, Thread Priorities 

Timer Threads 

Interlocked, Monitor, and lock() 


Generic Methods and Classes 

Generic Delegates 



Stack and Queue 

ArrayList, List, LinkedList 


File and Directory Management 

Reading and Writing Text Files 

Reading and Writing Binary Files 

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