C Programing

The C Programming Fundamentals course is designed to provide participants with a solid understanding of the C programming language. Covering core concepts, best practices, and hands-on exercises, this course ensures participants can write efficient, structured, and portable C code for various applications

Commence a journey into the core of programming with the C Programming Fundamentals course—a foundational program meticulously crafted to provide participants with a robust understanding of the C programming language.

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What you will learn

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Beneficial for

This course is suitable for:

Course Pre-requisite

Participants should have a basic understanding of:

Course Outline

C Program Structure 

Data Representation

Operators and Expressions


Statements and Blocks

Control Flow Constructs 

Function Syntax

Parameter Passing

Call by Address

Call by Value

Storage Classes

Separate Compilation

Single Dimensional Arrays 

Multi-Dimensional Arrays 

Initializing Arrays 

Pointers, Operators, Expressions 

Pointers and Arrays 

Pointers to Pointers 

Command Line Arguments 

Structure Declarations

Structure Members

Arrays of Structures

Initializing Structures 

Pointers to Structures 

Structure Operations 


Bit Fields 

Standard C Library 

Buffered File I/O 

Dynamic Storage Allocation 

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