Routing Protocols

The Routing and Security course is an intensive program designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of advanced routing protocols and security measures in enterprise networking. Covering core principles, hands-on configurations, and practical applications, this course empowers participants to design, implement, and manage sophisticated routing infrastructures with a strong focus on security.

Routing and Security course—an intensive program delivering in-depth knowledge of advanced routing protocols and enterprise network security. Covering core principles, hands-on configurations, and practical applications, participants gain the skills to design, implement, and manage sophisticated routing infrastructures with a strong emphasis on security

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What you will learn

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Beneficial for

This course is suitable for:

Course Pre-requisite

Participants should have a basic understanding of:

Course Outline

Basics of routing and the need for routing protocols

Overview of static routing vs. dynamic routing

Role of routing protocols in network communication

Overview of distance vector routing

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) fundamentals

Configuring and troubleshooting RIP in networks

Understanding link-state routing

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) principles

OSPF configurations and troubleshooting

Introduction to hybrid routing protocols

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)

EIGRP configurations and troubleshooting

Overview of BGP as an exterior gateway protocol

BGP attributes and path selection

Configuring and troubleshooting BGP in networks

Importance of convergence in routing protocols

Fast convergence techniques and best practices

Monitoring and optimizing convergence in networks

Fundamentals of route redistribution

Configuring and troubleshooting route redistribution

Challenges and considerations in route redistribution

Implementing routing policies in networks

Prefix-lists and route maps for filtering

Advanced filtering techniques and best practices

Design principles for multi-area OSPF

Scaling EIGRP networks with multiple autonomous systems

Troubleshooting challenges in scaled OSPF and EIGRP environments

Route summarization and aggregation

Path manipulation and traffic engineering

Emerging trends and considerations in routing protocols

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