Presentation Skills

The Presentation Skills course is designed to equip individuals with the essential techniques and strategies to deliver effective and impactful presentations. Participants will learn how to plan, structure, and deliver presentations with confidence and clarity. Through practical exercises and feedback sessions, participants will enhance their communication skills, engage their audience, and leave a lasting impression.

The primary objective of this course is to help participants develop the skills and confidence to deliver engaging and persuasive presentations. Participants will learn how to structure their presentations for maximum impact, use visual aids effectively, and deliver their message with clarity and confidence. By the end of the course, participants will be able to captivate their audience and achieve their presentation objectives.

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What you will learn

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Beneficial for

This course is suitable for:

Course Pre-requisite

Participants should have a basic understanding of:

Course Outline

Understanding the importance of effective presentations

Identifying personal strengths and areas for improvement

Your image physically and vocally

Non-verbal communication 

Body language

Objective setting

Knowing your audience

Planning your presentation

Presentation aids

Tele conferencing


Behavior, handling passive and aggressive behavior

Skills practice with feedback


Questioning skills

Dealing with a difficult audience

Skills practice with feedback

Personal development plan

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