Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the fundamentals of Python programming.
- Write Python code for various applications and tasks.
- Implement object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in Python.
- Develop Python applications for data manipulation and analysis.
- Create web applications using frameworks like Flask.
- Utilize Python for automation and scripting tasks.
- Basic programming concepts (variables, loops, conditionals)
- Computer usage and file management
Targeted Audience:
- Beginners with little or no programming experience
- Students and professionals looking to enhance their programming skills
- Anyone interested in Python for data analysis, web development, or automation
Course Outline
What is Python?
Interpreted languages.
Advantages and disadvantages
Downloading and installing
Which version of Python
Where to find documentation
Structure of a Python script
Using the interpreter interactively
Running standalone scripts under Unix and Windows
Using variables
String types: normal, raw and Unicode
String operators and expressions
Math operators and expressions
Writing to the screen
Command line parameters
Reading from the keyboard
About flow control
Indenting is significant
The if and elif statements
While loops
Using lists
Using the for statement
The range() function
list operations
list methods
Strings are special kinds of lists
Syntax of function definition
Formal parameters
Global versus local variables
Passing parameters and returning values
Text file I/O overview
Opening a text file
Reading text files
Raw (binary) data
Using the pickle module
Writing to a text file
Dictionary overview
Creating dictionaries
Dictionary functions
Fetching keys or values
Testing for existence of elements
Deleting elements
Dealing with syntax errors
Handling exceptions with try/except
Cleaning up with finally
What is a module?
The import statement
Function aliases
RE Objects
Pattern matching
Parsing data
Sub expressions
Complex substitutions
RE tips and tricks
About o-o programming
Defining classes
Instance methods
Instance data
Class methods and data
Excel module
Pandas modules
Networking module
Web scraping module
Pdb Modules(Debugging)
Database modules(sqlite3)
Basic Task in python for Azure SQL DB
Integration with Azure, GCP & AWS Cloud
Implementing with S3 Stora