What you will learn
- Have a deep understanding of Flutter framework and Dart programming language.
- Build cross-platform applications with a single codebase.
- Implement responsive and beautiful user interfaces using Flutter widgets.
- Manage state effectively and navigate between screens.
- Incorporate animations and gestures for a delightful user experience.
- Integrate APIs and databases into Flutter applications.
Beneficial for
- Mobile App Developers transitioning to Flutter
- Web Developers interested in cross-platform app development.
- Software Engineers looking to expand their skillset to Flutter.
Course Pre-requisite
- Proficiency in at least one programming language.
- Familiarity with mobile app development concepts is beneficial but not required.
Course Outline
Learn to set up a new Material App using Android Studio.
Understand the Widget tree and learn to use pre-made Flutter
Widgets for user interface design.
Learn to incorporate Image and Text Widgets to create simple user interfaces.
Learn to customize pre-built Flutter widgets.
Add App Icons for iOS and Android builds.
Learn to run Flutter apps on iOS Simulator
Android Emulator and physical iOS and Android devices.
Use Hot Reload and Hot Restart to quickly refresh the app UI and understand when to use.
Learn to use the Pubspec.yaml file to incorporate dependencies, custom assets and fonts.
An introduction to the Widget build() method.
Learn to use layout widgets such as Columns, Rows, Containers and Cards.
Incorporating Material icons using the Icons class.
Understand the difference between Stateful and Stateless Widgets .
Understand how call-backs can be used detect user interaction in button widgets.
Understand the declarative style of UI programming
Understand how Flutter widgets react to state changes.
Learn to import dart libraries to incorporate additional functionality.
Learn about how variables, data types and functions work in Dart.
Build flexible layouts using the Flutter Expanded widget.
Understand the relationship between setState(), State objects and Stateful Widgets.
To add Flutter-compatible packages to projects, learn how to use the Dart package manager.
Learn more about functions in Dart and the arrow syntax.
Learn to refactor widgets and understand Flutter’s philosophyof UI as code.
Learn to use Dart Constructors to create customisable Flutter widgets.
Apply common mobile design patterns to structure Flutter apps.