Automation Testing

The Automation Testing Mastery course is a comprehensive program designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in automated software testing. Covering a wide range of topics from test automation fundamentals to advanced techniques, this course ensures participants are proficient in designing, implementing, and maintaining automated test suites.

The Automation Testing Mastery course provides comprehensive training for participants to excel in automated software testing. Covering fundamentals to advanced techniques, it ensures proficiency in designing, implementing, and maintaining automated test suites.

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What you will learn

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Beneficial for

This course is suitable for:

Course Pre-requisite

Participants should have a basic understanding of:

Course Outline

Software Automation 

Selenium Overview 

Environment Configuration 

Maven Project 

Instantiating a WebDriver – Chrome 

An Overview of Frequently Used Methods 

Controlling the Browser Window 

Using Browser Developer Tools – Chrome 

Overview of WebElement Functionality 

Interacting with Elements on a Page 

Element Locator Types – ID, Names, XPath, CSS, and So On 

Navigating the DOM 

Searching Within Previously Found Elements 

Creating Complex Locators to Reach Any Element

Implicit Waits 

Explicit Waits 

Implicit Versus Explicit Waits 

Waiting for an Element with a Custom Written Condition

Introduction to the Page Object Model 

Modelling a Web Application Using Page Objects 

Implementing Nested Page Object Instances 

K8s as a platform on cloud.

Introduction to EKS, AKS, & GKS

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