Java Programming

The Java Programming course offers a comprehensive program to establish a strong foundation and advanced skills in Java programming. Covering essential concepts, best practices, and hands-on projects, participants will be well-equipped to design, develop, and maintain Java applications.

Java Programming course: Build a solid foundation and advanced Java skills through essential concepts, best practices, and hands-on projects for designing, developing, and maintaining Java applications.

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What you will learn

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Beneficial for

This course is suitable for:

Course Pre-requisite

Participants should have a basic understanding of:

Course Outline

Components that make up the Java programming language 

Java Features 

Java development tools 

Different deployment architectures 

Java language syntax 

Construct statements in Java 

Java Platform 

Setting Up Your Computer 

Writing a Program 

Compiling the Program 

Interpreting and Running the Program 

Decision making flows 

if-else blocks 

switch-case blocks 

Iterative flows 

while loop 

do-while loop 

for loop 






Class, method, properties 

Creating Objects 


Constructor Overloading 

Method Overloading 

The this keywords 


Access specifiers 

import keyword 

Life Cycle of an Object 

Java memory management 

Garbage Collection 

Inheritance in Java 

Inheriting classes 

Overriding methods 

Creating Abstract classes, interfaces and methods

Create static variables, methods, and initializers 

Create final classes, methods, and variables 

Create and use enumerated types 

Use the static import statement 

Arrays of primitives 

Arrays of objects 

Enhanced for loop 

Object class 

Overview of java.util.lang package 

String class 

Date class 

Calendar class 

Stringbuffer class 

Using string classes 


Define exceptions 

Use try, catch, throw, throws and finally statements 

Describe exception categories 

User Defined exceptions 

Collections framework 

Legacy collection classes 

Comparable and Comparator interfaces 

Use generic collections 

Use type parameters in generic classes 

Command-line arguments 

Properties class 

Serialize and deserialize objects 

Distinguish readers and writers from streams 

Describe files and file I/O 

Introduction to JDBC API 

Understanding JDBC Interfaces 





Create, Read, Update & Delete Queries 

Fetching of results  

Thread class 

Runnable interface 

Thread states 

Sleep() and yield() methods 

Synchronization in threads 

Functional Interfaces 


Stream API 

Date/ Time API 

Default and static methods 

Method References 

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